XXXXXSocial distancing is the most important, effective tool we have to defeat COVID-19—especially now that Indiana is beginning to reopen for business. A coalition of 70+ Indiana-based partners is committed to equipping everyone in our state with the knowledge and the resources to stay connected and motivated. Here’s how you can join the fight, play your part and keep us working together.
Flattening the Curve
in Indiana
Watch a message from Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb on the importance of social distancing—and how you can help spread the word and slow the spread of the virus.
Looking for the latest on how
Indiana is getting Back on Track?
Connect with IN.gov for information on COVID-19, testing, and five stages of reopening.
Spread the wordGet Tested
Safely reopen
Spread the word.
Not the virus.
Not the virus.
Here's where you come in. Explore the toolkit below filled with #INthistogether logos and other items you can download, customize and share. Show your support for this potentially life-saving cause by becoming part of the solution.
Looking for a social post starter? How about this:
"We are #INthistogether! Social distancing continues to be important to protect our health and well-being as we get Back on Track Indiana. Wear a face covering. Maintain that six-foot distancing. Wash your hands. Let me know how you're in #INthistogether and invite others to join the campaign to prevent another COVID-19 surge. www.inthistogether.com"
Show that you're IN!
Use the #INthistogether profile frame on Facebook or share an image using the Facebook #INthistogether camera effect.
Videos and Animations
Graphic Assets
Connect with our partners—and stay connected in your community!
Check in with your local communities, businesses, teams,
and schools for resources—like
Visit Indy’s
Indy Experiences at Home
page that you direct access to amazing virtual experiences and keep you connected
to the community while we're social distancing.

Want to know how your organization
can get even more involved?
Drop us a note at info@in-this-together.in!
Social Media Assets